再Floodlight 中,會定期送出 LLDP 的封包去學習當前拓樸的情況 一旦發線拓樸情況有所改變,就會產生一個新的TopologyInstance物件 在這個物件之中就會重新去計算 broadcast tree 以及拓樸中每個switch的 shortest path tree。
再 TopologyInstance 裡面是採用 dijkstra的方式來建所謂的routing path.
再 calculateShortestPathTreeInClusters
會針對每個cluster中的每個node都去跑一次dijkstra,來建立這個node再該cluster中的shortest path tree.
protected BroadcastTree dijkstra(Cluster c, Long root,Map<Link, Integer> linkCost,boolean isDstRooted)
- Cluster c: 該node所屬的cluster
- Long root: 該node
- Map<Link, Integer> linkCost: 這個cluster中所有link的cost,預設中是空的,只有tunnal port對應的link才有cost
- boolean isDstRooted: 用來指示 一條link要看其src switch還是dst switch,目前是用true,但是我覺得改成false也不影響結果。
HashMap<Long, Link>
nexthoplinks 用來記錄其shortest path tree的結構,key是switch node, value是連接到該switch node是透過哪條link。HashMap<Long, Integer>
cost 用來記錄目前到某個switch node的cost是多少。HashMap<Long, Boolean>
seen 用來記錄某個switch是否已經拜訪過PriorityQueue<NodeDist>
nodeq 一個優先佇列,會根據到達該switch node的cost為基準去排序。
protected class NodeDist implements Comparable<NodeDist>
public int compareTo(NodeDist o) {
if (o.dist == this.dist) {
return (int)(this.node - o.node)
return this.dist - o.dist;
- 初始化相關容器
- 由cluster取得所有的link,先設定所有switch node的cost都是無限大
- root該switch node的cost是0
- 把root加入到queue內。
HashMap<Long, Link> nexthoplinks = new HashMap<Long, Link>();
HashMap<Long, Integer> cost = new HashMap<Long, Integer>();
int w;
for (Long node: c.links.keySet()) {
nexthoplinks.put(node, null);
cost.put(node, MAX_PATH_WEIGHT);
HashMap<Long, Boolean> seen = new HashMap<Long, Boolean>();
PriorityQueue<NodeDist> nodeq = new PriorityQueue<NodeDist>();
nodeq.add(new NodeDist(root, 0));
cost.put(root, 0);
Step 2
- 從queue裡面拿出cost最小的node
- 取得到達該node的cost
- 做個錯誤檢查
- 如果該node已經檢查過了,就忽略。
- 把該node加入到seen裡面
while (nodeq.peek() != null) {
NodeDist n = nodeq.poll();
Long cnode = n.getNode();
int cdist = n.getDist();
if (cdist >= MAX_PATH_WEIGHT) break;
if (seen.containsKey(cnode)) continue;
seen.put(cnode, true);
Step 3
- 取得該node連接的所有link 每條link都會存放兩次,src跟destnation會相反
- 根據
,每條link都只取src or dest (因為每條link會出現兩次,所以switch一定不會漏掉) - 檢查該node是否已經看過了
- 取得該該的cost
- 計算到該neighbor的cost = 本來node的cost + link的cost
- 如果cost比以前學過得更低,那我們就採用這個新的路徑
- 更新最新的cost資料
- 更新
的資料,記錄到此node所需要的link是哪條 - 然後把該node重新加入到queue裡面
for (Link link: c.links.get(cnode)) {
Long neighbor;
if (isDstRooted == true) neighbor = link.getSrc();
else neighbor = link.getDst();
// links directed toward cnode will result in this condition
if (neighbor.equals(cnode)) continue;
if (seen.containsKey(neighbor)) continue;
if (linkCost == null || linkCost.get(link)==null) w = 1;
else w = linkCost.get(link);
int ndist = cdist + w; // the weight of the link, always 1 in current version of floodlight.
if (ndist < cost.get(neighbor)) {
cost.put(neighbor, ndist);
nexthoplinks.put(neighbor, link);"neibhbor = {}",neighbor.toString());
//nexthopnodes.put(neighbor, cnode);
NodeDist ndTemp = new NodeDist(neighbor, ndist);
// Remove an object that's already in there.
// Note that the comparison is based on only the node id,
// and not node id and distance.
// add the current object to the queue.
Step 4
- 利用
去創見一個broadcast tree.並且把該tree回傳做為該node的shortest path tree.
BroadcastTree ret = new BroadcastTree(nexthoplinks, cost);
return ret;