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It's a series post about the Container Network Interface and you can find other posts below. [Container Network Interface] Bridge Network In Docker [Container Network Interface] Write a CNI Plugin By Golang

In this post, I will try to introduce the concept of Container Network Interface (CNI), including why we need this, how it works and what does it do.

If you have not familiar with what is linux network namespace and how docker handles the network for its containers. You should read the [CNI] Bridge Network In Docker to learn those concepts and that will be helpful for this tutorial.


Why We Need CNI

In the previous post, we have learn the procedure of the basic bridge network in the docker.

  • Create a Linux Bridge
  • Create a Network Namespace
  • Create a Veth Pair
  • Connect the bridge and network namespace with veth pair
  • Setup the IP address to the network namespace
  • Setup the iptalbes rules for exporting the services (optional)

However, That's the bridge network and it only provide the layer2 forwarding. For some use cases, it's not enough. More and more requirement, such as layer3 routing, overlay network, high performance , openvswitch and so on.

From the docker point of view, it's impossible to implement and maintain all above requirements by them.

The better solution is to open its interface and make everyone can write its own network service and that's how docker network works.

So, there're so many plugins for the docker network now and every can choose what kind of the network they want.

Unfortunately, docker isn't the only container technical, there're otehr competitors, such as rkt, lxc. Besides, more and more container cluster orchestration, docker swam, mesos, kubernetes and so on.

Take a bridge network as an example, do we need to implement the bridge network for all container orchestration/solutions? do we need to write many duplicate code because of the not-unified interface between each orchestrator?

That's why we need the Container Network Interface(CNI), The Container Network Interface(CNI) is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation projects, we can see more information here.

With the CNI, we have a unified interface for network services and we should only implement our network plugin once, and it should works everywhere which support the CNI.

According to the official website's report. those container runtimes solutions all supports the CNI

How CNI works

Container Network Interface is a specifiction which defined what kind of the interface you should implement.

In order to make it easy for developers to deveploe its own CNI plugin. the Container Network Interface project also provides many library for developing and all of it is based on the golang language.

You can find those two libraries below

What does CNI do

In CNI specifiction, there're three method we need to implement for our own plugin.

  • ADD

ADD will be invoked when the container has been created. The plugin should prepare resources and make sure that container with network connectivity. DEKETE will be inboked when the container has been destroyed. The plugin should remove all allocated reousrces. VERSION shows the version of this CNI plugin.

For each method, the CNI interface will pass the following information into your plugin

  • ContainerID
  • Netns
  • IfName
  • Args
  • Path
  • StdinData

I will explain those fields detaily in the next tutorial. In here, we just need to know for the CNI plugin, we sholud use those information ContainerID, Network Namespace path and Interface Name and StdinData to make the container with network connectivity.

Use the previous bridge-network as example. the network namespace will be created by the orchestrator and it will pass the path of that network namespace via the variable netns to CNI. After we crete the veth pair and connect to the network namespace, we should set the interface name to Ifname.

For the IPAM (IP Adderss Management), we can get the information from the StdinData and calculate what IP address we should use in the CNI plugin.


Now, We will see how kubernetes use CNI to create a network function for Pods.


In order to use the CNI, we need to config the kubelet to use the CNI method. There're three argurments we need to take care.

  1. cni-bin-dir: the directory of CNI binaries.
  2. cni-conf-dir: the directory of CNI config files, common CNI(flannel/calico..etc) will install its config into here.
  3. network-plugin: the type of network-plugin for Pods.

In my kubernetes cluster (installed by kubeadm)

vortex-dev:10:06:59 [~]vagrant
$ps axuw | grep cni
root 1864 4.9 2.1 569172 110108 ? Ssl 15:18 3:06 /usr/bin/kubelet --bootstrap-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf --config=/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml --cgroup-driver=cgroupfs --cni-bin-dir=/opt/cni/bin --cni-conf-dir=/etc/cni/net.d --network-plugin=cni

You can see the arguments --cni-bin-dir=/opt/cni/bin --cni-conf-dir=/etc/cni/net.d --network-plugin=cni of the kubelet.

Now, Let we see the files under cni-bin-dir and cni-conf-dir.

The cni-bin-dir contains all the CNI binary file and those files can be programmed by any language, just follow the CNI interface.

vortex-dev:04:21:29 [~]vagrant
$ls /opt/cni/bin/
bridge dhcp flannel host-local ipvlan loopback macvlan portmap ptp rainier sample tuning vlan

In the cni-conf-dir, we should put the CNI config here and kubernetes will use the config for your Pod. In my kubernetes cluster, I had installed the flannel CNI in it and the flannel will install its config here.

vortex-dev:05:11:30 [~]vagrant
$ls /etc/cni/net.d/
vortex-dev:05:11:34 [~]vagrant
$cat /etc/cni/net.d/10-flannel.conf
"name": "cbr0",
"type": "flannel",
"delegate": {
"isDefaultGateway": true

How To Use it.

When kubelet receives a request to create a Pod in the node. First, it will search the cni-conf-dir in the alphabet order and inspect it.

Take the 10-falnnel.conf as example. when the kubelet knows the type is flannel, it will try to call the flannel in the cni-bin-dir and that's /opt/cni/bin/flannel.

vortex-dev:05:11:34 [~]vagrant
$cat /etc/cni/net.d/10-flannel.conf
"name": "cbr0",
"type": "flannel",
"delegate": {
"isDefaultGateway": true

Pause Container.

Before kuberlet creates the Pod, it will create a pause conatiner first. And follows the CNI steps to setup the network fot that pause container.(Assueme we use the network-plugin=cni)

Now, The pause container is running and has the network connectivity. The kubelet will create containers which is be described in the yaml file and attach those container to that pause container (in the docker command, we can use the --net=$containerID to do the same thing).

By those procedure, we can maks sure all containers share the same network stack and any container crash won't destory the network stack since the network stack is hold sy the pause container.

Combine the pause container and user containers, it's called Pod. And you can try to use the docker ps in your kubernetes node to see how many pause container in there.

vortex-dev:05:19:30 [~]vagrant
$sudo docker ps -a | grep pause
8838b9614a30 "/pause" 7 hours ago Up 7 hours
0a232459f786 "/pause" 7 hours ago Up 7 hours
b0ca4ca2405d "/pause" 7 hours ago Up 7 hours
63a1f3b8a35f "/pause" 7 hours ago Up 7 hours
310b7a6daa54 "/pause" 7 hours ago Up 7 hours
3f0141a5a9b6 "/pause" 7 hours ago Up 7 hours
9cedcb482e69 "/pause" 7 hours ago Up 7 hours


The Container Network Interface CNI made the network-service developer more easy to develop their own network plguin. They don't need to write duplicate code for different system/orchestrator. Just write once and run everywhere.

And the CNI consists of a specification and many userful libraries for developers. The CNI only care the ADD and DELETE events. the CNI plugin shoould make sure the container with network connectivity when the ADD event has been triggered and remove all allocted resources when the DELETE event has been triggered.

In the next tutorial, I will show how to write a simple bridge CNI plugin in golang.