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Mininet 運作原理


  • 此篇文章的目標是用來釐清mininet是如何emulate網路中的hostswitch以及link
  • 主要以圖解、指令與mininet實際中的程式碼來描述所有的行為
  • Mininet version: 2.1.0p1
  • Mininet目前是採用network namespaces來達到network isolation的功能,可以參考這邊的說明
  • 底下會描述要如何在系統中仿真出一個如下圖般的拓樸




class Node( object ):
"""A virtual network node is simply a shell in a network namespace.
We communicate with it using pipes."""

portBase = 0 # Nodes always start with eth0/port0, even in OF 1.0

def __init__( self, name, inNamespace=True, **params ):
"""name: name of node
inNamespace: in network namespace?
params: Node parameters (see config() for details)"""

# Make sure class actually works
self.checkSetup() = name
self.inNamespace = inNamespace

# Stash configuration parameters for future reference
self.params = params

self.intfs = {} # dict of port numbers to interfaces
self.ports = {} # dict of interfaces to port numbers
# replace with Port objects, eventually ?
self.nameToIntf = {} # dict of interface names to Intfs

# Make pylint happy
(, self.execed,, self.stdin, self.stdout,
self.lastPid, self.lastCmd, self.pollOut ) = (
None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None )
self.waiting = False
self.readbuf = ''

# Start command interpreter shell

這邊可以看到,這邊會有一個變數inNamespace用來決定此Host是否要透過network namespaces來達到network isolation的功能,當一切變數都初始化後,就會呼叫startShell()來執行此Host。

    def startShell( self ):
"Start a shell process for running commands"
error( "%s: shell is already running" )
# mnexec: (c)lose descriptors, (d)etach from tty,
# (p)rint pid, and run in (n)amespace
opts = '-cdp'
if self.inNamespace:
opts += 'n'
# bash -m: enable job control
# -s: pass $* to shell, and make process easy to find in ps
cmd = [ 'mnexec', opts, 'bash', '-ms', 'mininet:' + ] = Popen( cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT,
close_fds=True )
self.stdin =
self.stdout =



  • 透過參數-n來將此process給轉換到network namespaces
  • 程式內會透過execvp去執行參數中的指令,在此範例中該指令就是"-ms mininet:"
    • 這邊可以透過執行mininet後,在執行ps auxww | grep mininet,應該會看到類似下面的結果
root     22071  0.0  0.0  12308  1384 ?        Ss   23:10   0:00 bash -ms mininet:c0
root 22079 0.0 0.0 12308 1384 ? Ss 23:10 0:00 bash -ms mininet:h1
root 22080 0.0 0.0 12308 1380 ? Ss 23:10 0:00 bash -ms mininet:h2
root 22081 0.0 0.0 12308 1380 ? Ss 23:10 0:00 bash -ms mininet:h3
root 22082 0.0 0.0 12308 1380 ? Ss 23:10 0:00 bash -ms mininet:h4
root 22085 0.0 0.0 12312 1384 ? Ss 23:10 0:00 bash -ms mininet:s1
root 22090 0.0 0.0 12312 1388 ? Ss 23:10 0:00 bash -ms mininet:s2
root 22095 0.0 0.0 12312 1388 ? Ss 23:10 0:00 bash -ms mininet:s3
root 22100 0.0 0.0 12312 1384 ? Ss 23:10 0:00 bash -ms mininet:s4
root 22105 0.0 0.0 12312 1384 ? Ss 23:10 0:00 bash -ms mininet:s5
  • 並且把該mnexecstdout,stdin給接起來,未來會需要透過這兩個FD來與該host溝通。

當初始化兩個Host後,系統中就會出現了兩個Host,且這兩個host都會透過namespace來達到network isolation,理論上我們要可以透過ip netns show來看到這些namespaces,實際上卻看不到,原因如同此篇所說。 此時,我們的系統如下

創立好Host後,接下來要創立Switch,Switch有很多種選擇,包含了OVSLegacyKernelSwitchUserSwitchOVSSwitchIVSSwitch此四種,一般常用的就是OVSSwitch 這四種Switch都繼承自Switch物件,而Switch物件則繼承自Node

  • Node
    • Switch
    • OVSLegacyKernelSwitch
    • UserSwitch
    • OVSSwitch
    • IVSSwitch


    def start( self, controllers ):
"Start up a new OVS OpenFlow switch using ovs-vsctl"
if self.inNamespace:
raise Exception(
'OVS kernel switch does not work in a namespace' )
# We should probably call config instead, but this
# requires some rethinking...
self.cmd( 'ifconfig lo up' )
# Annoyingly, --if-exists option seems not to work
self.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br', self )
self.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-br', self )
if self.datapath == 'user':
self.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl set bridge', self,'datapath_type=netdev' )
int( self.dpid, 16 ) # DPID must be a hex string
self.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl -- set Bridge', self,
'other_config:datapath-id=' + self.dpid )
self.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode', self, self.failMode )
for intf in self.intfList():
if not intf.IP():
self.attach( intf )
# Add controllers
clist = ' '.join( [ 'tcp:%s:%d' % ( c.IP(), c.port )
for c in controllers ] )
if self.listenPort:
clist += ' ptcp:%s' % self.listenPort
self.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl set-controller', self, clist )
# Reconnect quickly to controllers (1s vs. 15s max_backoff)
for uuid in self.controllerUUIDs():
if uuid.count( '-' ) != 4:
# Doesn't look like a UUID
uuid = uuid.strip()
self.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl set Controller', uuid,
'max_backoff=1000' )


  1. 設定bridge
  2. 設定datapath_type
  3. 設定fail-mode
  4. 設定controller

此時系統如下,系統中已經創立好了switch以及兩個host,這三個Node都分別透過namespace來達到了network isolation,只是彼此之間都尚未有任何Link存在。


class Link( object ):

"""A basic link is just a veth pair.
Other types of links could be tunnels, link emulators, etc.."""

def __init__( self, node1, node2, port1=None, port2=None,
intfName1=None, intfName2=None,
intf=Intf, cls1=None, cls2=None, params1=None,
params2=None ):
if port1 is None:
port1 = node1.newPort()
if port2 is None:
port2 = node2.newPort()
if not intfName1:
intfName1 = self.intfName( node1, port1 )
if not intfName2:
intfName2 = self.intfName( node2, port2 )

self.makeIntfPair( intfName1, intfName2 )


def makeIntfPair( intf1, intf2 ):
"""Make a veth pair connecting intf1 and intf2.
intf1: string, interface
intf2: string, interface
returns: success boolean"""
# Delete any old interfaces with the same names
quietRun( 'ip link del ' + intf1 )
quietRun( 'ip link del ' + intf2 )
# Create new pair
cmd = 'ip link add name ' + intf1 + ' type veth peer name ' + intf2
return quietRun( cmd )

這邊可以看到,mininet實際上是透過系統中的ip link的方法將兩個interface創造一條veth的Link。 此時系統如下


class Intf( object ):

"Basic interface object that can configure itself."

def __init__( self, name, node=None, port=None, link=None, **params ):
"""name: interface name (e.g. h1-eth0)
node: owning node (where this intf most likely lives)
link: parent link if we're part of a link
other arguments are passed to config()"""
self.node = node = name = link
self.mac, self.ip, self.prefixLen = None, None, None
# Add to node (and move ourselves if necessary )
node.addIntf( self, port=port )
# Save params for future reference
self.params = params
self.config( **params )

這邊要觀察的重點是每個Interface都會去呼叫node.addIntf( self, port=port )來處理,

    def addIntf( self, intf, port=None ):
"""Add an interface.
intf: interface
port: port number (optional, typically OpenFlow port number)"""
if port is None:
port = self.newPort()
self.intfs[ port ] = intf
self.ports[ intf ] = port
self.nameToIntf[ ] = intf
debug( '\n' )
debug( 'added intf %s:%d to node %s\n' % ( intf, port, ) )
if self.inNamespace:
debug( 'moving', intf, 'into namespace for',, '\n' )
moveIntf(, self )

此方法最後會呼叫 moveIntf 來將該interface給處理,moveIntf則會呼叫moveIntfNoRetryInterface給綁入到每個Node中。

def moveIntfNoRetry( intf, dstNode, srcNode=None, printError=False ):
"""Move interface to node, without retrying.
intf: string, interface
dstNode: destination Node
srcNode: source Node or None (default) for root ns
printError: if true, print error"""
intf = str( intf )
cmd = 'ip link set %s netns %s' % ( intf, )
if srcNode:
srcNode.cmd( cmd )
quietRun( cmd )
links = dstNode.cmd( 'ip link show' )
if not ( ' %s:' % intf ) in links:
if printError:
error( '*** Error: moveIntf: ' + intf +
' not successfully moved to ' + + '\n' )
return False
return True

這邊可以看到,透過的指令則是ip link set %s netns %s,會將特定的interface給塞入特定Nodenamespace之中 此時,我們的系統如下


  • 透過ovs-vsctl add-portSwitch上面的Interface都給OVS控管
    def attach( self, intf ):
"Connect a data port"
self.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-port', self, intf )
self.cmd( 'ifconfig', intf, 'up' )
self.TCReapply( intf )
  • 設定Host上面網卡的MACIPDefault Route,此步驟會在Mininet噴出Configuring hosts時處理
    def config( self, mac=None, ip=None,
defaultRoute=None, lo='up', **_params ):
"""Configure Node according to (optional) parameters:
mac: MAC address for default interface
ip: IP address for default interface
ifconfig: arbitrary interface configuration
Subclasses should override this method and call
the parent class's config(**params)"""
# If we were overriding this method, we would call
# the superclass config method here as follows:
# r = Parent.config( **_params )
r = {}
self.setParam( r, 'setMAC', mac=mac )
self.setParam( r, 'setIP', ip=ip )
self.setParam( r, 'setDefaultRoute', defaultRoute=defaultRoute )
# This should be examined
self.cmd( 'ifconfig lo ' + lo )
return r

